Since WordPress 3.4 it is possible to deposit a theme-dependent Options menu: The WordPress “Customizer”.
Here can specified a variety of settings for the website layout and provided for the Theme user via the WordPress backend under “Appearance> Customize”. For example, texts deposited, CSS classes or complete CSS files are enabled or disabled individually, colors chosen etc. All this has to be processed without the source code. In particular, if one wants to make a theme for a wider audience, for example, on or Premium Theme, you are provided so an elegant way to the user all the important settings easily from the WordPress backend make changable.
One much technikal great feature from the customizer is: Your are in the backend, but the currently used webpage is visible. All changes are made with the visible customizer were displayed in the visible layout and thus receives an immediate preview – a “Live-preview”.
However, a small difference to normal WYSIWG-editors has a big impact. The options can be choosen by each Theme developer or by us widget developers. Our widget option settings where displayed here with the customizer and give spezific values to change the widget and widget area details
WordPress come-up with a new feature for the customizer to display mobile device screen dimentions.
Our posts widgets benefit enormously!
So the thumbnail sizes are changed and the change is immediately visible. Or options can be discovered and tried out. Since they are very specific, are from many widget developers made and give a web site administrator creative ways for shaping your WordPress website.
We spend much time to test the admin panel in the customizer. And increasingly think from the perspective of customizers. As long as WordPress supports and develop this great feature further, it will gives us the boost to make also new ideas and we arise inovativ options.