While we are actually about following our intended schedule of releasing the 4.6.1 release at the same time frame WordPress 4.6 is released, due to releasing the free version earlier a gap in available features was created between the free and the pro version, and we decided that we should update on were things stand
New features in 4.6.1
- More thumbnail positioning options
- Thumbnails now can be used as a background (cover image)
- They can be aligned either with the title section or the excerpt section
- More title and excerpt text alignment options. They can be aligned right left or center
- Define alternate styling based on “position”. For example you can style first items differently from the last, for example having the first with a thumbnail on top and the last ones as simple links.
- Shortcode to insert the “widget” into the content.
- More layout options
- Horizontal row: items are lined up horizontally. spacing between then can be done automatically by the browser based on two methods
- Adaptive/Responsive row: Items are organized in rows based on available space. When the space is not wide enough new rows are being automatically added to contain the overflowing items
- Tabular: A good old table layout, items are organized in equal width columns with equal heights in the same row. Combined with alternate styling this can be used to create interesting design (checkers style board)
- Masonry: If you are not familiar with the term, take a look here.
Where do we stand right now?
We still need to iron some settings with the masonry, and would like to have a horizontal news ticker as well, but we run into some bugs with the slider library that we use and either need to solve them or use a different on for this.
- 07. August
- This weekend (7 aug) or early next week we intend to release a beta version.
- Updated 22. August: Please contact us if you’re interested in the beta and we’ll send it to you.
- 19. August
- On the 19th we are going to have a 🎇TipTop convention in Berlin🎇. If you are around, and want to give us some feedback face to face, just drop us a note in the comments.
- Updated 28. August: Photoimpressions on Facebook.
- 28. August
- Release will probably happen on the 28th of august, but no earlier then the WordPress 4.6 release.