This mostly a bug fix release with few additional enhancements
Bugs fixed:
- Some php warnings are logged when a widget is added
- Division by zero error when thumbnails are configured to be bigger then the actual image sizes
- Improved compatibility with jetpack when using the html excerpt option
- It is possible to select more HTML tags to be “used” as part of the HTML excerpt option
- Introduce an option for a blur effect when hovering over a thumbnail
Unless there is some unexpected bug this is going to be the last release for the 4.1.x line, and we will switch to working on a 4.6 line (the logic behind this number) with the intention of releasing it to the plugin repository when WordPress version 4.6 will hit RC1 (get out of beta) which is expected to happen around the 20th of july. We still haven’t finalized what we want, and think we can achieve, in that time frame but first priority will go to writing unit tests for the plugin and some refactoring of the code in order to make it more testable.
Once we decide what we are going to have in 4.6, we will announce here. If you have an idea or request, the comment form is the best place to express them 😉