How to use Shortcode
By using the [termposts
] shortcode (for the free version use [catposts
]) you can insert a unique widget into any place in a content. The shortcode has the same functionality and configuration options as a “normal” widget.
Inserting removing and configuring a shortcode
The shortcode [termposts
] (for the free version use [catposts
]) can be inserted in any type of content, anywhere. It is basically used to indicated where the widget will be displayed in the content. There can be only one shortcode per post/content, you can insert two but it will just present the same content in both places. Remove it by deleting the shortcode from the content.
Once the shortcode is in the content you need to get to the customizer for the post. The easiest way to do that is to go into preview from the post editing screen and click the “Customize” menu on the “admin bar” (Width one click to the customizer). In the customizer you will find the “Category Posts Shortcode” section and entering it will show a form which the shortcode can be configured.
For more you can read our blog posts about shortcode or the documentation.