This is a very feature packet release it was tested for compatibility with WordPress 4.3-4.7.
- Can have multiple shortcodes at the same post
- A UI in the editor for the insertion of a shortcode
- More complex ways to filter by taxonomies and terms
- Option to match all or any of a selected taxonomy term, or have a negative match (match when terms are not selected).
- For hierarchical taxonomies it is possible to select whether the “children” of the select terms might match.
- when two or more taxonomies are used for filtering, it is possible to set matching to require that posts will match the rules of both taxonomies (AND rule) or just one (OR rule).
- More touch device friendly with the “everything is a link” option, which make the whole screen area of the displayed item to be a link, that includes whatever spaces are there as well.
- More granular control of default styling with an option to not apply default font styling.
You do not need a license to use the plugin on your local machine, enabling you to avoid getting a second license for a development machine, easy to showcase to a client, or whatever other uses there might be (yes we are aware that there are other development settings as well and intend to address them in the following releases).
Technical changes
PageSpeed oriented improvement: We have completed the deprecation of the css file, and started to add only the CSS rules that are actually being used on the page.
Excerpt improvements: New widgets and shortcodes that will be created in the 4.7 release will use our own automatic excerpt generation logic (which mimic 1 to 1 how wordpress generates them) without applying the wordpress filters on the generated results, therefor reducing the chances of bad interactions with other themes and plugins
Never used the plugin before?
Download it for free (TACBPW v4.7.1) and give it a test drive on your local machine!