New in 4.7: Show all recent post, no category filtering

We think our widget has great features which are no match for the WordPress recent posts widget, and as there was always a possibility to hack the widget into showing all recent posts, we decided to just make it more organized by letting the user just specify an “All categories” in the category filter ti disable the category filtering all together.

Customize test 4.6 – Just another WordPress site(2)

Select more then one category

Is there a need to filter and select category with multi selection? We support such a feature in our premium widget Term and Category Based Posts Widget. We do this differences because we want a light weight widget with Category Posts Widget. In the most cases filtering and show posts from only one category fits all aims. On the other side our premium widget supports also custom post types. So the aim to select two or more categories, terms, what ever, … is more possible. So the filter UI from the premium widget can takes more time for configuration as the free version it does.